-Merry belated Christmas to everyone! I haven't had internet for mostly all of last week so I haven't got to post anything. It is now about 8:30am and I have internet back, but the guy from Air Advantage is supposed to be here any minute to look at what the problem was. I was going to cancel the appointment, but it seems that whenever we get any amount of snow, the internet goes out so I want him to check make sure everything is still the way it is supposed to be.
Christmas was pretty good around here. Scott left me a message on Christmas eve that he was going to be heading home, so I picked him up from the truck stop on the way home from work. Christmas morning we got up and gave the kitties their new toys that were in their stocking and played with them for a bit and then we opened the gifts that his mom sent to us. She got me the book I wanted "Let's Roll". It is a book written by Lisa Beemer--Her husband was one of the passengers that tried to overtake the plane on 9-11. It is an awesome book. and I have wanted it for a while so that was cool. She also got me a $25 gift card to Best Buy so that is cool. I got to get a few things that I have been wanting to pick up--ear buds for my mp3 player. The ones they give you are so uncomfortable. I got these new ones and they are The Bootsie!
Then Scott and I got hungry and not a lot to choose from so I called my Aunt Debbie and she gave me this recipe for waffles that only required 2 eggs and flour and such--that was just the amount of eggs we had left so that was cool. We had all the other ingredients and the George Foreman grill with waffle plates and WALA! Fantastic waffles! They were the best I ever remember having. Love that new recipe!
The rest of the day was pretty ok--tried to get some stuff done on the computer and the Internet was not working. Then decided to work with some other stuff on the puter that didn't require the net and that wasn't working either! GRRRRR! So, I went in and started organizing my craft room. My parents came over a little later and we had fun playing my mom's Wii. Scott REALLLLLLY liked the bowling game. He would have played all night if they would have played with him.
Well, it's much later now and I got home from work and was glad to today. I was not feeling myself all day and so was glad for a shorter shift. I had a customer (a husband and wife and adult son) today that were so miserable that they could not stand to be in their own skin. They were complaining the entire 2 hours they were there. They wanted me to price match Wal-mart and then when I pulled up Wal-mart's website and the price was exactly the same as ours that made them really mad because they just came from there and the lady there told them it was cheaper on the website. Then, they didn't like that we were not on commission and then they didn't like that we were still out of stock from Christmas and "It was false advertisement that something is in the ad and we don't have it!" and on and on the entire time they were there and how horrible they were treated at customer service desk and blah, blah, blah..... I couldn't wait to get them on their way.
The guys from Air Advantage said that the signal was strong but they positioned the dish to get a little stronger signal. He didn't know what the problem was but I told him that I have Internet now, but I didn't all last week when we had all that snow. But he told me everything checked out fine. So, go figure!
I have tomorrow off! Yay! So I am going to get to bed so I don't sleep it away!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
So, I am sitting here on this night before Christmas Eve and Hobbes (my orange kitty) is laying on my lap showing me his belly (he LOVES having his belly rubbed even though sometimes he pretends not to by play biting) and anyway, he is purring so loud that I think the neighbors down the street can hear it :o) tee hee.
Anyway.... I treated myself to actually making myself a real meal for dinner (versus whatever I could find real quick and easy) and I did up my dishes and set out a real plate and a fancy stemmed glass and put on soft instrumental Christmas music and ate dinner. Yay me! Then double yay--- I actually finished all my dishes after dinner and dried them and put them away too, and wiped down the stove top and the counter. Anyone that knows me knows how rare that is. *grins* But it felt good to treat myself nice.
No real crazy stories from customers at work, but they were waiting out the door before we opened today! We were slammed again and I am sure one or 2 may have walked out due to not enough help but I tried to get to them all. And due to it being so busy, the day flew by.
I got my hair all chopped off yesterday and a perm and she said I had long enough hair to donate to Locks of Love (they make wigs for cancer patients out of peoples real hair) so that was kind of a surprise. I didn't think it was long enough this time. But that is cool. I will be sending it in in the next few days or so. It is really curly. I can't stand the first week of a new perm but after that, I love having curly hair. A lot of people thought it was cute though. Most people just said "WOW!" oh, and, when I walked in the door, they seriously started asking the manager who was coming in. teehee. He embarrassed them by saying in a very loud voice, "That is Tawnya, you know, Tawnya Day, the supervisor of DI." (the camera department is called Digital Imaging). So that was pretty funny. But I do like the fact that it is short and easy to do. I was getting tired of pulling my hair back every day in a clip and just didn't feel like doing something cute with it so it was time for a change.
Well, the hour is getting late and I have a lot of snow to brush off my car in the morning again so off to beddy-bye for me! Sweet Dreams
Anyway.... I treated myself to actually making myself a real meal for dinner (versus whatever I could find real quick and easy) and I did up my dishes and set out a real plate and a fancy stemmed glass and put on soft instrumental Christmas music and ate dinner. Yay me! Then double yay--- I actually finished all my dishes after dinner and dried them and put them away too, and wiped down the stove top and the counter. Anyone that knows me knows how rare that is. *grins* But it felt good to treat myself nice.
No real crazy stories from customers at work, but they were waiting out the door before we opened today! We were slammed again and I am sure one or 2 may have walked out due to not enough help but I tried to get to them all. And due to it being so busy, the day flew by.
I got my hair all chopped off yesterday and a perm and she said I had long enough hair to donate to Locks of Love (they make wigs for cancer patients out of peoples real hair) so that was kind of a surprise. I didn't think it was long enough this time. But that is cool. I will be sending it in in the next few days or so. It is really curly. I can't stand the first week of a new perm but after that, I love having curly hair. A lot of people thought it was cute though. Most people just said "WOW!" oh, and, when I walked in the door, they seriously started asking the manager who was coming in. teehee. He embarrassed them by saying in a very loud voice, "That is Tawnya, you know, Tawnya Day, the supervisor of DI." (the camera department is called Digital Imaging). So that was pretty funny. But I do like the fact that it is short and easy to do. I was getting tired of pulling my hair back every day in a clip and just didn't feel like doing something cute with it so it was time for a change.
Well, the hour is getting late and I have a lot of snow to brush off my car in the morning again so off to beddy-bye for me! Sweet Dreams
Monday, December 22, 2008
So wow.... I know everyone always says this, (me included) but I can't believe how quick Christmas is already upon us. I am not sure if it is how busy with work and moving in that really just distracted me or what, but I know I haven't prepared anything except for getting a Christmas tree up. So now here it is 2 days before and my mumma and I are going out to brave the crowds. At work (I work at Best Buy) we have been insanely crazy. Like that's a big shock *grins* but it seems no time for anything else these days.
I talked to my cousin, Shawna, last night who does have DSLR camera and she is selling it due to her bigger, better one. SOME PEOPLE! lol. I am happy for her and she encouraged me in wanting my own. She was telling me how everything is a picture when you have a nice camera like that. So, now I really want one. teehee
My cats are mad at me right now due to Scott being gone on the road now. MY kitty has been giving me the cold shoulder. He usually likes to cuddle in the mornings in between me hitting snooze and he won't even come up to me now. Scott's cat has been really clingy and wanting me to hold her all the time or be right near me. And Hobbes is just Hobbes. And people say they don't have moods or feelings--hah! they have never lived with one! It's just kinda funny how they react to things.
I know it's just silly ramblings but that is my life.
So... on to silly stories-- One guy came to the store last Saturday and was upset that we were out of something in the ad. My manager was helping out and told him that we could order it in for him and it would be here by Christmas. He got upset. And we were all saying, "Hmmm... Let's see... you are in the very last day of the ad and 5 days before Christmas, in one of the busiest stores around for Christmas items, but you are upset that we are out of stock of an item." Some people don't think. Then it was even funnier because he asked if he could speak to my manager, to which I told him, "That was her that you were speaking to." He didn't like that either.
Working retail is goofy sometimes.
Well, on to battle the goofy people that are out today. lol Maybe I will have more stories about them later.
I talked to my cousin, Shawna, last night who does have DSLR camera and she is selling it due to her bigger, better one. SOME PEOPLE! lol. I am happy for her and she encouraged me in wanting my own. She was telling me how everything is a picture when you have a nice camera like that. So, now I really want one. teehee
My cats are mad at me right now due to Scott being gone on the road now. MY kitty has been giving me the cold shoulder. He usually likes to cuddle in the mornings in between me hitting snooze and he won't even come up to me now. Scott's cat has been really clingy and wanting me to hold her all the time or be right near me. And Hobbes is just Hobbes. And people say they don't have moods or feelings--hah! they have never lived with one! It's just kinda funny how they react to things.
I know it's just silly ramblings but that is my life.
So... on to silly stories-- One guy came to the store last Saturday and was upset that we were out of something in the ad. My manager was helping out and told him that we could order it in for him and it would be here by Christmas. He got upset. And we were all saying, "Hmmm... Let's see... you are in the very last day of the ad and 5 days before Christmas, in one of the busiest stores around for Christmas items, but you are upset that we are out of stock of an item." Some people don't think. Then it was even funnier because he asked if he could speak to my manager, to which I told him, "That was her that you were speaking to." He didn't like that either.
Working retail is goofy sometimes.
Well, on to battle the goofy people that are out today. lol Maybe I will have more stories about them later.
Friday, December 12, 2008
I let Scott read my blog and so he knows that I want a new camera now! I really want to do a lot of research before I can know for sure which one I want. I don't want to make the same mistake--especially since this one is so much money. I am thinking about the Sony A300 but not sure yet.

Isn't it Pretty? :o) I have a lot of reading to do but have a lot of time to do it so that's ok.
Any one who knows me knows that scrapbooking runs through my veins and I read this today:
Mark Twain was a scrapbooking enthusiast who dedicated Sundays to his hobby. He also held patents for his self-pasting scrapbooks that could be dampened with water. Twain created 57 different types of self-pasting scrapbooks.
Pretty cool.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
December 10, 2008
Here are some pics of them:

And one more just cuz they were so adorable when I got them:
I spent a good deal of today getting scolded again from my Mumma. :) I was getting rid of a bunch of stuff again for her and she was letting me. I told her I knew it is hard and it is hard for me to be so stern on it all because I know how it is. I am the same type of pack rat so I get it fully.
But we had fun and my dad was all smiles taking out the bags and boxes of trash and stuff to go to goodwill.
I was still in the same mode when I got home and Scott said he cleaned a bunch of downloads off the computer so I got rid of a bunch of saved pics and such that take up space on the computer.
Scott said he heard today from his work and so they are trying to get him started sometime next week. I know he has been wanting this for a while.
When I got home today Firefly (my kitty) got up from his basket he was napping in and meowed at me. It was pretty cute. Scott says that when I am not here at night Firefly walks in the bedroom and cries and then out in the living room and cries off and on all night.
Here are some pics of them:
Firefly sleeping silly.
Here is feather. She is such a prissy kitty. I have never seen a kitty act so girly before. She is quite the character.

and here is a more recent shot:
And then there's Hobbes... He adopted us.
And one more just cuz they were so adorable when I got them:

Just a few of the "family members" around here. Maybe someday it will be my real kids pictures here but for now, they keep life interesting. :)
December 9, 2008
I am going to try to start a journal of just a few things that happened throuout the day so I can keep track of my life. Last night I stayed at my parents house and so this morning Mom and I got started on packing for their move. I threw out so much stuff. She kept saying, "Tawnya Marie!" But most of it she let me do it anyway. I know this is very hard for her to do but she will be happier with more peace and less stuff for their new home. I am struggling with the same thing. The house that Scott bought is so tiny for all the stuff I own that it is crowded. I too am getting rid of a lot of stuff and it is hard to part with so I feel her pain on that.
We went to Empire Wok for lunch and came back to take a nap and not a whole lot happened after that. Dad came home from work and I trimmed his hair because the Musicale is this weekend and he wanted it to look good for that.
Tonight we ate Taco Bell and watched TV. I sent away for the coupons for the Digital Converter Box tonight online. So, hopefully they will come soon. I am eager for TV. I miss some of the shows. It has been pretty nice to not have to have all the garbage now but I miss some shows that I used to like to watch.
Now for a few random thoughts...
I don't want to tell Scott, but I regret not getting a DSLR camera for my birthday with the money. There was definitely enough money when he gave it to me but I didn't think I wanted that big of a camera but now I realize that you can do so much more with them and fantastic pictures... so... I really want to take a photography class and get a DSLR camera. :)
I could write more but I am so very tired. I took a Tylenol PM and it is kicking in!! :)
I am going to try to start a journal of just a few things that happened throuout the day so I can keep track of my life. Last night I stayed at my parents house and so this morning Mom and I got started on packing for their move. I threw out so much stuff. She kept saying, "Tawnya Marie!" But most of it she let me do it anyway. I know this is very hard for her to do but she will be happier with more peace and less stuff for their new home. I am struggling with the same thing. The house that Scott bought is so tiny for all the stuff I own that it is crowded. I too am getting rid of a lot of stuff and it is hard to part with so I feel her pain on that.
We went to Empire Wok for lunch and came back to take a nap and not a whole lot happened after that. Dad came home from work and I trimmed his hair because the Musicale is this weekend and he wanted it to look good for that.
Tonight we ate Taco Bell and watched TV. I sent away for the coupons for the Digital Converter Box tonight online. So, hopefully they will come soon. I am eager for TV. I miss some of the shows. It has been pretty nice to not have to have all the garbage now but I miss some shows that I used to like to watch.
Now for a few random thoughts...
I don't want to tell Scott, but I regret not getting a DSLR camera for my birthday with the money. There was definitely enough money when he gave it to me but I didn't think I wanted that big of a camera but now I realize that you can do so much more with them and fantastic pictures... so... I really want to take a photography class and get a DSLR camera. :)
I could write more but I am so very tired. I took a Tylenol PM and it is kicking in!! :)
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