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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Well, this post is a day late, but I did take the pictures yesterday for Outdoor Wednesday. I just got too busy to even get on the computer. So, here is yesterdays pics. They were taken at my Parent's house. It was raining off and on all day but mostly sunny where we went -- my mom and I went out and about to a few stores and such.
This is out back of my parents house. This is a slab that used to be a small house way back when. It is a tiny slab but will make a grat spot for a table and chairs and a BBQ! But yesterday it was just wet from the rain.

This is an up-close of these tiny little flower - type greens that are starting to grow outside my parent's new house. Don't know what they are yet :) but we will see.

On a side note:

Mom and I are trying to attempt making a Shabby Raggy Quilt. Spent last night cutting squares and more squares and more and... Well, needless to say, my shoulder is sore. :) So, we will be letting you all know the progress when we make some. lol

Have a great day!


  1. I guess, that cement slab was pretty wet, I did no know those green leaves had little tinee flowers, I just thought they were buds. If that makes sense. We had a good time yesterday,but my how time did fly. looking forward to our New Project together..

  2. It takes practice and patience to make rag quilts. And very strong hands when you do a big. Once you get a rythym going, it'll be fine. Good luck and show us pics when done.
