So, Good evening to everyone! I have been a little tied up lately but have got to play with my camera a little bit so will post a few pics that people have been asking for. Today I was busy making things a little "shabbier". I added a few decals on a couple of items that I have been wanting to get done for a while and then put a coat of pink on a few more items for shabby-ing up later! Today I added decals to a little 2 drawer chest my mom painted and gave me. She still liked it and wanted it, but I was encouraging her to get rid of stuff for moving in their new house so, that was one of the things she got rid of and I immediately thought of doing it up and giving it back so that is done now-- but shhhh....don't tell her. lol {she is the most faithful reader of my blog. ;o) Also, don't tell her I told you, but her birthday is Thursday the 26th!}. I also added a decal to this pink candle. I did up a little display but will have to move it out of sight before I go to bed tonight or it may be destroyed in the morning. My mom always used to say, "kitties or pretties" {lol} cuz you can't have both until they are older and past the hyper stage.
So anyway, without further ado...

So, that was fun. I have pink paint on my fingers and fingernails and my jeans and shirt. I put a first coat on about 10 things. A couple of them are metal and so I hope it sticks because it is still too cold to go paint them outside the way I should be-- with primer and such but the primer stinks so bad. But soon hopefully it will start warming up. Scott got my bike down and oiled the chain for me over the weekend because it did get warm a few days last week and I was in the mood for a ride but I can't get it down from the hooks it hangs from in the ceiling in the garage. I have a really old fashioned looking one and it is pink and white too! (Shabby) It is really neat looking and hopefully I will get to ride it and maybe take some pics of it to post. :o)
Have a great night all
TTFN! (ta-ta for now!)
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