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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Need help with Decorating!!

So, here is my ugly shower surround.  I need some advice on what to do with it.  It is just this plastic piece sticking out.  I can't renovate or put it somewhere else or get a nicer one, so I just need to deal with what I have.

This is the view you see when walking into the bathroom:
And here is one of the front views:
This one is the left side where you can see all the pipes sticking out of the shower-- right out in the open.  The toilet is right next to it.  Mostly your shoulder touches the pipes when you are using the bathroom.
Another front view:

A little bit closer of the ugly pipes:

So, There it is and I REALLY could use some ideas on how to make it a little nicer looking.  I forgot until just now, that it sits on a cement slab that is painted black and that is ugly too and also the pipes on the bottom that run all around the back of the toilet are showing too.  ANY help would be very appreciated!!
Thank you in advance to anyone who gives any suggestions.
Have a fantastic day!

Today was quite eventful. Lil' Bear (the puppy) had some time getting comfortable being in my house and the 3 cats had quite the time being not too sure what to think. He did pretty good overall, but one time I had him in the yard trying to get him to go potty but he decided he wanted to play with the kitties and started running after them to play, well... they thought he was chasing them and so they all scattered and one ran up a tree, I was trying to stop the chaos because I wasn't sure where the puppy would run-- to the neighbors, across the road, who knows? So, I got a grip on the situation and made a make-shift leash out of yarn--- {you see, the reason he didn't have a leash on is because this little puppy is scared half to death of them. He is not used to them yet and thinks when he has one on, he can only lay down or cry.} So.... needless to say, later I went to the dollar store and got him one to keep here. My parents already have him a fancy retractable one that he won't even go near it when it is sitting on the floor! But, all in all, it was fun and he is really fun to be around.

The picture above is a bird that got stuck up inside my bird feeder a few days ago and I rescued him and since I had him in my hand, I had to get some pictures before I set him free. Then, I made sure that wasn't going to happen again.

Tomorrow I am planning on posting some pictures of my bathroom. I am in serious need of some decorating advice for it. I don't have money to renovate it but it is hideous looking. It only has a stand up shower--well, sort of-- more like a shower liner that you usually install as a surround inside a cubby in the wall, but there it is out in the open and ugly-- with that, the side of the shower has the water lines running right down out in the open! I will take some pics and see what everyone comes up with to make it a little more presentable.

(on a side note, I forgot to mention, for those that seen the previous post about moving, the move has been postponed until further notice. As of right now, I am not moving unless circumstances go back to what they were before. We will see. But, this is the first time I have felt peace about living here and want to make it pretty.)

I will stop rambling and get to bed so I can actually get stuff done tomorrow! lol. Have a great day!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Is he not the cutest??? For the next couple nights I will be puppy sitting to this little ball of happy energy. My parents are going away for a couple nights and so I told them I would watch him rather than put him in a kennel. My dad says he gets up a few times a night to go potty but I get up doing that kind of stuff anyway because I own 3 cats that have been being crazy lately and keeping me getting up several times every night anyway. So, it will be interesting. But he is so silly and happy so it is hard not to take him in.
For Labor Day, My parents and I went to the annual Mackinac Bridge Walk. It is the bridge that connects Upper Michigan with Lower Michigan. It is 5 miles long. It was hot and tiring but pretty fun. I have walked it a few times before but many years ago. This was the first time my mom went. My dad and I pushed her in a wheelchair and about halfway up the first side (the uphill side) someone came up to us and said, "Can I push for a while?" I thought he was joking and so I said, "sure!"--- he did! He took right over and I said, I can take back over, we thought you were joking. He told us that he wasn't and would get us to the halfway point. Wow! What a random act of kindness! So cool. He did too. All the rest of the uphill side he pushed. And so that was really nice.
These last 2 shots are from the bridge website. But I thought they were neat.

Have a great day all!!!!!