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Monday, June 15, 2009

This morning was quite the morning. I had something happen for the first time in my life-- I was in a car accident. (I have been in a one before but I was 3 years old so I don't remember it).

Everyone was ok. It was only me in the car because I was on my way to work and the other lady was the only one in her car too. We were both ok. I got a small cut on top of my lip from the glass flying in, but nothing major. I am grateful that no one was hurt. That being said, I am really bummed about my car. It is the first car I have ever bought. I know cars can be replaced, but... it makes me mad and sad that it is all smashed up. One of the worst parts of it was that I was on my bluetooth with my mom and she heard the whole thing. She was really upset. That hurt my heart to know what she went and is going through over it, but I was glad she wasn't with me. (Many times we are together in the car).

So, anyway...
Later we got the porch finished (more or less) and it looks sooo nice. I am excited for tomorrow morning to go out and have coffee and enjoy it finally! It is supposed to be nice out so that made be feel better to have it done enough to enjoy after all the hard work.

This is the view from the chairs, but I want to get some plants and such in here and make it real cozy.

Enjoy the pics! Have a great day!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Happy Wednesday to all you people out there in Bloggerland!
For my Outdoor Wednesday post, there is so much going on that it was hard to narrow down the pictures!
One of my roses finally bloomed! So pretty. There was another one starting to bloom, and many more buds getting ready to! Yay! They are gorgeous! I do love roses! They bloom right outside one of the windows in the bedroom, so it is very romantic looking out the bedroom window and seeing roses!
On this spot alone, I counted 20 buds!!

Then, I noticed an Iris that had bloomed!

With Scott being on vacation, we have been working our tails off last week and this one!
We worked on the porch some more today. The siding is off both sides now, and the plastic is all torn down, and the screens are all laying on the ground waiting to be washed, and everything is waiting to be sanded and painted tomorrow. We were so grateful that the weather was good enough to get so much done. Yesterday they were predicting rain for today but it held off! Both of us are sore and tired, but feel great about the progress we did. It looks so amazing. What a difference! I am excited to get it finished and all pretty. I would love to move the dryer out of there, or at least make it less obvious, but unfortunantly, the way the house is set up, that was the only reasonable place to put it.

I have finally have a hummingbird at my feeder! There is only one so far, and I think it is a female because it isn't very brightly colored. I named her Peek-a-Boo because she peeks in our window often and then is gone so fast. Scott got a picture of her at the feeder and I love the picture, but unfortunately you can see how bad I needed to wash my windows! lol!
Isn't she adorable?

And lastly, I thought I would post a recent picture of my birdbath, now that there is greenery all around it. The squirrels seem to be happy to have somewhere to get a drink but not too many birds have made use of it yet. Maybe when the weather gets hot I will see some splashing around! teehee!

Have a Blessed day everyone!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

What a crazy week! Scott has been on vacation so we have been getting lots and lots done. I don't have pics of all of it but here are some of the activities going on around here this week.

The one main thing we had planned to get done was to re-do the shed. Last fall there was local flooding (not bad, just yards that looked more like ponds than yards). So, water came up over the floor of the shed and much of my stuff was still in boxes and got ruined and moldy. UGH! I didn't know it was like that until recently. I lost so much sentimental stuff and other things. It was a much needed cleaning and sorting though. I got rid of so much stuff that I know the garbage men must not have been too happy with us! I took a load to Salvation Army that had my trunk full, backseat full, and some in my passenger seat. They were pretty thankful for all of it. The lady asked me if I did some spring cleaning. lol.

This is the after-- all neat, a lot of floor room, everything is labeled and in sight if I want something, it will be easy to find and get to! Yay! Also, while I was sorting and such, Scott was hard at work tearing up the floorboards, laying down a tarp and plastic liner so if it flooded again, it has to travel up over the side tarp which is about 5 inches high. He worked very hard on this for me. It is so nice now.

One of the things Scott started on was the sun porch. This house has a little sun porch that has a lot of potential to be something cute. It has/had siding on it and was just being used for a drop ground for stray boxes that I didn't get a chance to put away or storage for tools etc. Well, I was hanging laundry on the line a few days ago and he started tearing off the siding to start making it into a sun porch again ( It used to be all windows and someone just put siding up to cover it.)

Amongst all the chaos, we noticed there were kitties on the roof!! But how did they get there??? teehee
Here is the scene of the crime and how they were doing it:
Well, with Scott being home this week, he brought the truck home to clean it out real good. The kitties thought it was a fun jungle gym to get to the roof. The black and white kitty is the next door neighbor and our kitties play with him. Not sure of his name but we call him Max. He was having fun on the roof too.

And, here is Feather (more well known as prissy kitty). She was not getting on the roof of the garage, she decided to sit on the hood of my car and watch the activities.

Lots more happening also, but blogger is not working right on the pictures so, I will end here for now, besides, we have lots more projects to get working on! lol.
Have a fantastic day everyone!!